This paper states concept, characteristic and base evaluating method of forest resource capital. 对森林资源资产抵押贷款的理论特征和实践意义进行规范研究。
Review of Research on Fair Value Measurement for Forest Natural Capital 森林自然资本公允价值计量问题述评
Natural Forest Protection Program. Capital Works Resource Allocation Exercise 天然林资源保护工程。基本工程计划资源分配工作
The Solution on How to Calculate Delay Fee of Forest Loss with Capital Time-value Theory 如何运用资金时间价值原理解决林木损失额中滞延费的计量问题
Forest fire: Mongolia state capital Ulaanbaatar covers by smoke 森林大火导致蒙古首都乌兰巴托烟霾罩顶
Classification and Function Fulfillment of Forest Natural Capital from Perspective of Ecological Economics 生态经济学视角下的森林自然资本分类与功能实现
Quality index is decomposed into pressure index and status index, and the latter is selected as forest natural capital quality index. 将质量指数分解为压力指数和状态指数,并用状态指数作为森林自然资本质量指数。
The criteria of function fulfillment degree for general natural capital and critical natural capital are different in practice of forest natural capital's sustainable utilization, which satisfied the demand of forest classified management. 在森林自然资本可持续利用的具体实践中,对于一般自然资本和关键自然资本来说,这种功能实现度的要求也是不同的,这也体现了森林分类经营的要求。
This evaluation is the estimating and assessing of the market value of forest resource, which according to the state of the evaluated forest resource capital, and the metabolic conditions on market, and based on the analysis of multi-factor presently or in the future. 它是评估者根据被评估森林资源资产的实际情况,所掌握的市场动态资料和对现在与未来进行多因素分析的基础上,对森林资源资产所具有的市场价值进行评定估算。
Estimation of forest natural capital is defined as an approach to estimate status of forest natural capita from quantity and quality under the region scale or more applying forest natural capital index which defined as product of forest natural capital quantity and quality. 森林自然资本的评价是指在区域及区域以上尺度下通过森林自然资本指数对森林自然资本的数量状况和质量状况进行综合评价。森林自然资本指数是森林自然资本的数量指数和质量指数的乘积。
At the end of the article, a case of forest resources capital appraising is attached. 论文的最后附了一个森林资源资产评估的案例。
Forest natural capital management maintains the stock of forest natural capital in different temporal-spatial scales from three aspects which are function, estimation, and investment of forest natural capital respectively. 森林自然资本管理重点从3个方面在不同时空尺度下维持森林自然资本存量。这3个方面分别是森林自然资本的功能、评价和投资。
Fourth, regard property right as the tie, promote the combination of usufruct of collective forest land and social capital. 四是以产权为纽带,促进集体林地使用权与社会资本的结合。
The confirmation and calculation of the forest account's factors, such as the forest property, the forest capital, the production cost of afforestation, the protection cost of forestry and so on, are explored in this thesis. 本文探讨了林木资产、林木资本、营林生产成本和营林管护费用等林业会计要素的确认、计价。
The first part is Leadin, through expatiation on concepts as resource, capital, forest resources and forest resources capital, eliciting the concept of forest resources capitalization management. 本文由八部分组成,第一部分是导论,通过对资源与资产、森林资源与森林资源资产的概念的阐述,引出森林资源资产化管理的概念。
Problems In Evaluating Forest Resource Capital 森林资源资产评估及存在问题
Good forest resource capital condition reflects the developing level of a country's forest industry, the prosperity of the country, the nation's prospect, and the civilization of the society. 良好的森林资源资产状况是林业发达、国家富足、民族繁荣、社会文明的标志之一。
Study on Issues of Forest Natural Capital Management 森林自然资本管理问题研究
According to the current situation of circulation of forest-property in Zhejiang, market-oriented pattern was recommended to manage forest resources as capital. 为全面实施森林资源资产化管理,必须根据我省山林权流转现状,建立市场化的山林权流转机制模式。
Analysis to the accounting of the forest resource capital 森林资源资产会计问题探讨
In the range of a farm agriculture resource management? main information element includes all the land, natural precipitation, surface water, ground water, illumination, temperature, forest, grassland, capital, labor, chemical fertilizer etc. 在一个农场范围内,农业资源管理的信息要素主要有:所有的土地、自然降水、地表水、地下水、光照、温度、森林、草原、资金、劳动力、化肥等。
Rebuilding the Management Mainbody of State-owned Forest Resource Capital 国有森林资源资产运营主体重塑
The structure contras between forest natural capital and man-made capital as well as general natural capital and critical natural capital is the main line of study with capital investment theory in ecological economics extending macro-investment capital structure. 生态经济学的资本投资理论拓展了宏观投资资本结构,森林自然资本与人造资本、一般自然资本与关键自然资本之间的结构比较成为研究的主线。
So it is more particularly important in Forest types of nature reserves of natural capital evaluation. 森林类型自然保护区自然资本价值评估工作也就显得尤为重要。
To give attention to protection and utilization of forest natural capital at the same time, function fulfillment degree of forest natural capital is designed based on function analysis. 为了能够做到对森林自然资本保护和利用的兼顾,在分析功能的基础上设计出自然资本功能的实现度。
The green supply chain contains forest products logistics, capital flow, information flow and knowledge flow, and the logistics plays a large part in the supply chain, which has played a decisive role to realize economic benefit. 在绿色供应链中包含林产品的物流、资金流、信息流和知识流,物流在供应链中占有很大的一部分,对供应链经济利益的实现具有举足轻重的作用。
Forest natural capital quality index is also disintegrated as pressure index and state index, and the latter is appointed to represent forest natural capital quality index. 森林自然资本的质量指数可以分解为压力指数和状态指数,二者一般呈反比关系,选用状态指数作为森林自然资本的质量指数。
Foreign trade continues to expand makes forest products trade enterprise of capital increasing demand, causing it to bank financing trade huge demand. 对外贸易的不断扩大使得林产品贸易企业对资金的需求与日俱增,从而导致其对银行贸易融资的巨大需求。
Empirical study on the data of forest resource successive inventory in 1973-2003 indicates that forest natural capital index in China shows upward trend. 通过对1973-2003年间我国森林资源清查数据的实证研究,表明我国森林自然资本指数总体上呈上升趋势。